“I once had a duck soup cooked with ginger and wine, and lapsed into a comatose suspense” was conceived within the same fictional framework as "( ) is ominous of ( )." The performance featured five performers respectively embodying five pictographic Chinese characters with “ghost” radicals, queueing at Meng Po's soup stall. Through a seemingly arbitrary reference to the feet of a duck submerged in water, the work performatively evoked and speculated the suspended state of ghostly matters after being detached from their material entrails. 

Meng Po's Bowl #1, #2, and #3 are props made for the performance “I once had a duck soup cooked with ginger and wine, and lapsed into a comatose suspense." The circular structure of the performance score instructs the five performers to pass the leaking bowls to each other and have them refilled with the assistance of the audience.

I Once Had A Duck Soup Cooked With Ginger And Wine, And Lapsed Into A Comatose Suspense


performance, 20 minutes, with Christina Emmel, Miel Ferráez, Miyoung Chang, and Iga Swiesciak at Centrale Fies, Dro

Meng Po's Bowl  #3


cotton, linen, threads, stains of soup , size variable