"( ) is ominous of ( )" is a fictional iteration of the pseudo-theoretical concept of “corpse-ghost continuum." An omen appears as two fingers painted red, resembling the submerged feet of ducks - the liminal species that is likely to be the key ingredient for the recipe of Meng Po’s soup, which according to Chinese myth prepares a ghost to be reincarnated by erasing their memory.

(Disclaimer: The proof I have for the assumed recipe of Meng Po's soup is only that “I once had a duck soup cooked with ginger and wine, and lapsed into a comatose suspense.”)

Exhibited alongside "( ) is ominous of ( )", "Customers Leave Their Names At Her Counter" is an interactive installation functioning as Meng Po's invoice book, while she offers soup to the earthbound souls ready to be reincarnated. The audience was invited to leave autographs of any form on the red carbon papers to create duplicates.

( ) is ominous of ( ) 

single channel 4k video, sound, colour, 7'34'' 

Installation View  at
"Retracing the current: follow the current, I wander.” (2023) curated by Feng Jiao, CHAXART, Rotterdam, NL

Customers Leave Their Names At Her Counter (A Copy)


digital scan, joss paper, red carbon paper, size variable


Customers Leave Their Names At Her Counter


drawings on joss paper through red carbon paper, thread, needle, clay,
dimensions variable